2017..THE year for flashfitgirl

2017.... I've heard the saying 2015 was practice... 2016 was the warm up.... 2017...its GAME time. But what does it all mean? How many times have you thought THIS IS MY YEAR? Then you get to March and you haven't finished that book you said you would, you skipped your work out 7 days now, laundry days have turned back to every day, your brand new planner is a mess, the kids are driving you mad, and you're letting little things eat you up?! YUP. Its happened to me... and I can guarantee if you're reading this, its happened to you too! We are 25 days until a brand new year and guess what if you feel like you've already failed- YOU ARE WRONG! If you haven't done anything you've said you were going to, time to get on it, if its MORE time you need- then its time to find it. But then you run into those problems again- how can you find the time if you don't have it. I wish I had all the answers. BUT what I can do is share what has worked for me f...