Can I do it all?

Wow, its been WAY too long and I'm finding myself starting most blogs like that lately. Maybe we need to do something about that! I wanted to share what has been going on in my life, where I've been and where I want to be headed! So since I was here in May, things have been well kind of the same- I mean well semi the same. Amanda Nicole Photography has been growing and it feels FANTASTIC! I feel myself more confident with it all. With knowing how to run a business, how to confidently work my camera, how to pose. ALL that comes with it! I am building a good clientele and have new ones monthly. Its headed in the direction I want it to be. Will there be weddings in my future? Most likely not, maybe small destination ones ;) but that's about it! LOL My coaching business with Advocare is every day growing. People ask me all the time " you still do that thing?" YUP. There will never be a moment in my life when I wont. I love what I do, I LOVE...