
Showing posts from February, 2015

sweat baby sweat...

Today I amazed myself! My biggest loser challenge is on day 3 and they are making me super proud and I am about 6 weeks away from our Vacation so I am pushing myself like crazy! I shared this today with everyone and had to share here, this means a lot to me because its something Ive learned over the years. I used to make excuses for everything. For the past year i have found that excuses are useless they get you nowhere! Today was just a cardio day. I did 4 miles on the treadmill in 47 minutes!!!! THIS is huge for me- the FASTEST yet. I usually do spinning on Wednesday nights with my Aunt, so after the 4 miles I thought ill just go home- NOPE, i decided to stay and get that 45 minutes in on that bike! GLAD i did. I walked out of that room with the BEST feeling!  I have to say MUSIC for me is KEY, with the right music on- I can get ANYTHING done!  Today was a mix of  Britney & Eminem during my RUN/JOG My products play a HUGE factor on my workouts- 

transformation Tuesday!

a journey that never will end... I have always struggled with my weight and body, when i was younger i had a few belly issues, as i got older they just got worse- since I ate awful as a teenager it never got better and the weight just kept building, by the time 2013 hit I was at the HEAVIEST id ever been.  I really didn't even think i was THAT heavy. I was trying to eat healthy- I joined weight watchers & the gym ( again )....but I guess i wasn't really doing it right my biggest issue was portion control and the couch. When Jeff and I got our own place the DVR was our best friend. We both loved that we could watch what we want in our own living room....but these were just excuses i would tell myself. Christmas morning came around and the cute shirt i wanted to wear wouldn't even make it over my shoulders :( I decided to step on the scale... it read at 256, YUP. I cried & cried....but my family was downstairs waiting for me so I hurried on the ONLY shirt that f

weekends are for...

Weekends aren't the same for me as they are for others. I am only off every other weekend and those weekends "off" are spent doing my other "jobs" such as photography stuff or things for my challenges that I host... but I LOVE it. This weekend I had a surprise visitor! She literally texted me Saturday night and said "should I come tomorrow afternoon?" UM yes, I will never say NO to a visitor especially this one. <3 You only have so many people in this world that understand you and get you 100%. Luckily I have a few of those in my life including Brittany. We have been best friends since 10th grade and I wouldn't have it any other way. She is my {{person}} <3   Saturday started out "crappy" literally, had a toilet overflow that turned into a pool in our bathroom then a ceiling that was leaking. What a mess and not how I wanted to spend the first half of the day...... I spent the rest of the day meal planning for my upcomi

back in the 90s....

How old were in you your first childhood memory? What was the memory? When I was asked this recently it really made me think.... but some of my first memories were not the greatest of ones- family fights, parents separating, my great grandmother passing away and just a bad few years for me- unfortunately that is how your memory works, but that's OK because I believe that whatever struggle you go through; it can only make you stronger and all in all I had it pretty good. Was surrounded by love and couldn't ask for anything more. There were plenty of GREAT memories and I am going to talk more about those! One of my most clearest memories is times that I would sit on the counter of my Mimis bathroom while she sang " she'll be coming around the mountain.." while blow drying my hair ( I HATEDDD getting my hair touched ) so this was a great way to calm me down I guess- Mimi did it help? haha!! Another great  memory that is very clear was our first Family

Where did flash fit girl come from?

I bet a lot of you are wondering why I decided with Flash Fit Girl? Well I will tell you- I didn't come up with the name all by myself. I have to give major credit to 2 of my dearest and closet friends Ryan & Brittany ( mainly Ryan ) Sorry Britt ;) I knew I wanted a name for my blog and for ME that fit my life and what I would be sharing about. I started 2 amazing journeys a year ago... one of them was my Photography & the other was my road to BE FIT & healthy. So the Flash - My photography Fit- My Fit & Healthy Lifestyle I've always enjoyed writing since I was younger, I love sharing my story with other people. I love helping other people. I wanted to start something where I could do all of that. I am still deciding on a Photography name before I launch my website-my gosh that has been so difficult. Currently its just my name Amanda Nicole Photography but I want something different! Picking a name is hard! I cant imagine how long it will take me to name

20 facts about me

I am doing something where I will make one post a day for 31 days, lets see if I can do it! So my first few posts you will get to know a lot about who I am! So here goes 20 RANDOM FACTS about me. 1. I was born in Dallas, Texas ( see I was just NOT made for winter )   2. I was a cheerleader for a short time in my life.   3. I have an obsession for Elvis Presley , I love Lucy & The Wizard of Oz   4. I have seen every episode of Sex and the City a million times ( never enough)   5. I can go weeks without wearing ANY makeup ( in fact I haven't worn any since Christmas )   6. I am pretty good multi tasker in life. I LOVE to have a lot going on!   7. Fleetwood Mac and Linkin Park are my 2 favorite bands (what a mix, right?)   8. I LIVE for quotes. My walls in my room growing up were full of them!   9. My favorite color is Purple   10. I am a messy eater-literally everything I eat gets dropped!     11. When I was 16 I was given the nickna

who is flash fit girl...

Hello My readers!! Who is Flash Fit Girl? I am a 28 year old originally from Long Island, NY but living in Connecticut.   I am the girlfriend to an amazing Man who works hard for US and our future!   A Momma to 2 fur babies! ( yes they are considered our children) Nightmare & Botwin.   I am a photographer. " Photography is an art of observation. Its about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. It has little to do with THE THINGS YOU SEE & everything to do with HOW YOU SEE THEM "   Laughing is my favorite.     I love sunflowers and will make random stops on the road if I find a field of them :)   October is my FAVORITE month of the year! The colors, the weather...oh and I guess my birthday in it doesn't hurt ;)   I am blessed with a GIANT loving, supportive & close family. They support me with everything I do. They love me no matter what and no matter the miles we are all there for each other