transformation Tuesday!

a journey that never will end...

I have always struggled with my weight and body, when i was younger i had a few belly issues, as i got older they just got worse- since I ate awful as a teenager it never got better and the weight just kept building, by the time 2013 hit I was at the HEAVIEST id ever been. 

I really didn't even think i was THAT heavy. I was trying to eat healthy- I joined weight watchers & the gym ( again )....but I guess i wasn't really doing it right my biggest issue was portion control and the couch. When Jeff and I got our own place the DVR was our best friend. We both loved that we could watch what we want in our own living room....but these were just excuses i would tell myself. Christmas morning came around and the cute shirt i wanted to wear wouldn't even make it over my shoulders :( I decided to step on the scale... it read at 256, YUP. I cried & cried....but my family was downstairs waiting for me so I hurried on the ONLY shirt that fit me and some leggings and ran down stairs that picture on the left i was with my dad & brother, i put on a smile although i knew i would HATE what i saw. 

That day i decided it was  TIME for a change. I searched and searched online for things... I knew I needed support, I needed an ENTIRE lifestyle change NOT just a quick fix. I found something on Instagram about a 10 Day Cleanse, i read about it and researched for a few days. Hoped on and was BLOWN away by how amazing i felt and losing 10lbs in those days!! I was hooked, I continued with the 24 day challenge and lost a total of 20lbs! 

I cleaned out my cabinets at home and starting focusing on this healthy lifestyle- i joined a better gym with better classes and by mid spring i was already down 30lbs! 

Here i am a little over a year later feeling amazing, strong and full of energy! I have found a different part of myself that i never knew existed. I am officially down 51lbs as of today. I went from a size 18/20 in pants to a loose 16... I still haven't gotten any 14s BUT they are coming quickly. ;) 

I have my days where i feel frustrated because i am not where I wanted to be....but I am SO far from where I was. 

This isn't a fad or a quick thing, I have NO ultimate goal. My GOAL is to be healthy and stronger then i was yesterday. 10k and half marathon are next on my list this year...
Ive got this!


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